ReStart’s Focus


Restart’s Mission Statement

ReStart is a non-profit 501C3 with a two-fold mission. Provide our country’s homeless military veterans housing, and provide a hand up to returning citizens incarcerated within the Georgia Correctional Prison System, to restart their lives and become contributing members of their community.

Why Homeless Veterans & Returning Citizens?


ReStart320 refocus occurred for many reasons, but primarily because we believed we could make a more meaningful impact if we streamlined our efforts to a more narrowly defined mission to help reduce Atlanta’s homeless population. We made a strategic decision to focus on homeless veterans and returning citizens leaving the Georgia prison system.

The number of veterans experiencing homelessness increased in 2020 even before the effects of the coronavirus pandemic reduced employment prospects and financial resources for their community, according to a 2021 report recently released by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In 2020, veteran homelessness rose nationally to 37,252 according to HUD’s annual point-in-time estimate. Atlanta’s homeless veteran population exceeded 775 including individuals and families according to HUD’s 2021 study.

We also decided to focus on Georgia returning citizens because, we believe, that if we can provide Georgia’s returning citizens the proper level of skills and support, their likelihood of returning to prison will be significantly reduced, And as an added bonus, we believe, having the proper skills will allow Georgia’s returning citizens employment opportunities making which will make housing affordable, thereby, keeping them off the street and adding to Atlanta’s homeless population.

Many people that we know and see every day are at risk of homelessness.

Ultimately, many factors can contribute to homelessness – unemployment, housing cost burden, medical expenses, in addition to other health and addiction issues. Many in our community are less than 30 days away from homelessness.

It is impossible for us to turn away from those in need.

Atlanta Point in Time Reports

The Point-in-Time Count (PIT Count) is federally mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for all communities receiving federal funds through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants Program. The PIT Count takes an annual unduplicated census of people experiencing homelessness, sheltered or unsheltered, on a given night in January.

Data Source: Partners for Home

Ending homelessness will require a ‘restart’ for individuals.

Affordable housing would end homelessness for the vast majority of the homeless population. A community-wide coordinated approach to helping individuals and families exit homelessness quickly is needed, including access to emergency shelter and crisis response services with low barriers (minimal requirements to access).

But, truly ending homelessness also requires the connections to employment and income, access to health care, and recovery support. And, last but not least, ending homelessness requires a personal commitment to a belief in oneself and in a higher power to truly succeed.

Restart3:20 plans to improve the lives of the Homeless Veterans + Georgia’s Returning Citizens